How to get variables from client scripts to server scripts

This may be a simple question but i need help finding a way to receive variables from a client script to a server script.

Try this

for _, v in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do -- we use a for loop to get every player in the server

This my not work can i ask what the scripts do

Try this Instead

You need to put a RemoteEvent in ReplicatedStroage

Then this will fire a remote event in ReplicatedStorage (server script)


Then in the other script put (local script)

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To receive variables from a client script to a server script, use remote events:

I suggest you learn how to use a remote event. That’s literally what you are describing.

i started dong that, i’ll continue

I would suggest using RemoteEvents for this.

You can create a RemoteEvent in the ReplicatedStorage, and use this code.

--on the client (LocalScript)
local variable = 1 --set this to whatever you want

--on the server (Script)
game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild('RemoteEvent').OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, variable)
    --player is the player who sent the variable
    --variable is the variable you sent

If you get stuck, here is some more information about RemoteEvents.