Hello! I’m trying to make it so in a script, if you have a value in this case a color3 value, it will find the name of the color in the dictionary. Example: Lets say you have a color3 value like 255, 0, 0, I’d like to find the name of it “Red” from the dictionary, how would I do that in a script?
-- Module script
local colors = {
{colorname = "Red", colorvalue = Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0)},
{colorname = "Green", colorvalue = Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 0)},
{colorname = "Blue", colorvalue = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 255)},
{colorname = "Brown", colorvalue = Color3.fromRGB(175, 85,0)},
{colorname = "White", colorvalue = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255)},
{colorname = "Black", colorvalue = Color3.fromRGB(0,0,0)},
{colorname = "Yellow", colorvalue = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,0)},
{colorname = "Pink", colorvalue = Color3.fromRGB(255,0,255)},
{colorname = "Cyan", colorvalue = Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 255)}
return colors