Problem with ai script

I have this ai script which I fixed earlier, it works technically and works the way I want it to but my problem
is that it works for one of the enemies in the folder and it works for a specific one. How would I fix it and make sure it works for all the enemies, heres the script

local pathfinding = game:GetService("PathfindingService")

for _, npc in ipairs(script.Parent:GetChildren()) do
	if npc:IsA("Model") and npc:FindFirstChild("Zombie") then
		local tank = npc
		local humanoid = tank:FindFirstChild("Zombie")
		local rightArm = tank:FindFirstChild("Right Arm")
		local path = pathfinding:CreatePath()
		local players = {}
		local alerted = tank.Alerted.Value 
		local lastDamageTime = 0

		humanoid.Health = health
		humanoid.MaxHealth = health
		humanoid.WalkSpeed = speed

		while wait() do
			local nearestPlayer = nil
			local nearestDistance = radius

			for _, child in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
				if child:IsA("Model") and child:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
					local distance = (rightArm.Position - child.HumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude
					if distance < radius then
						table.insert(players, child)
						if distance < nearestDistance then
							nearestPlayer = child
							nearestDistance = distance

It is only working with one because your while loop is holding up the for loop.
The for loop can’t continue to the next element until all the lines/tasks within the loop are completed, including the while loop (which obviously won’t happen because it is an infinite loop). You can either make a separate script for each enemy, or you could use something such as spawn() or a coroutine (however, too many fast while loops in a coroutine can cause some serious lag issues).

I know about coroutines but how would I be able to use spawn() for this

You can do something like

     -- Your code here

The lines within the spawn function will not yield the rest of the script.

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