How Much Force * Walkspeed Would I Need To Put In A Vector Force In A Standard Template R6 Character To Make It Go WalkSpeed Studs Per Second
Force and velocity are not the same thing. A force accelerates a part to a velocity. A constant force will speed the character up forever.
You would need to change it’s velocity, not it’s force. A constant force would accelerate an object forever if there’s nothing to stop it. Multiple it’s unit direction by WalkSpeed, usually 16 studs/s.
The force constantly changes,
But I think it is about ObjectMass*Walkspeed
Assuming there is no friction. But LinearVelocity is a better choice for this.
MoveDirection * WalkSpeed
heres my code using linearvelocity
MoveVelo.VectorVelocity =*(Right-Left),0,script.Parent.Humanoid.WalkSpeed*(Back-Front))
its moves now, but slow, like 1 stud per second slow
nvm the problem was the maxforce in linear velocity
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