as it says in the title. I am wondering how to loop through the items in a folder backwards. So how do I do this? Cause I MUST KNOW HOW!!! Lol
You could get the table, make an empty table, put the instances in that table via a for i = num, num do
loop and use that to loop through. I would imagine it could work like this:
local folder =
local children = folder:GetChildren()
local reversedChildren = {}
for i = #children, 1, -1 do
table.insert(reversedChildren, children[i])
for k, v in pairs(reversedChildren) do
-- do stuff
Or, if the items are in alphabetical order (which in most cases, they are), you could simply just do this:
local folder =
local children = folder:GetChildren()
table.sort(children, function(a, b)
return a > b
for k, v in pairs(reversedChildren) do
-- do stuff
Hopefully this helps!
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I forgot I made this post lol! Thanks for the help
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