Help on making a “police response” system

Hello, I’ve been trying to make an npc “police response” system that use a-chassis cars with ELS enabled and the police go in the car and out of it while the cars follow the parts (Path-finding) and the vehicle turns on and off but no player is able to go inside it. (This will not be a loop)
How would I do this?

Original Post

Hey @anon34560771,

I suggest reading some of the wiki and learning the workings of luau that you think that you will need!

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I agree with this. I’d also suggest looking into the A* Search Algorithm for pathfinding, as this can be used to navigate the police car through the road (via nodes) to reach its goal.

I would agree @Orbitaire ,
that is if I didn’t know what I was doing at all. (in terms of the subject matter)
However, what I should of stated in my post(s) is the information about A-chassis. I would like to know what functions/events turns the cars on and is it possible to move them.
(without a player inside)

I am experienced with pathfinding; however, I would like some more information about the
A-Chassis | functions/events to do with this; As I am not familiar with the A-Chassis module functions or events and have not discovered any type of information about these certain events. I am however familiar with the function/event “IsON”, but I would like to know how to use it properly and if I could apply it to pathfinding, so that the car moves in the pathfinding script with the
A-Chassis physics. I have tried to use “IsON” but the it doesn’t really do anything.

Again, good suggestion but I have looked everywhere but A-Chassis isn’t mentioned. If you could find anything relating the the factor, you could link me some articles in your spare time.
(that is if you want to of course)

Thank you for your time. (Sorry in advance)

Part of the chassis script runs on the client side and fires when you enter the car. that’s why you need to modify it so that it fires right away, in addition, you need to replace the functions responsible for controlling the car so that it does not react to the player’s buttons but to variables, raycasts, blocks in Depends on how you want to steer the car

I mean “drive” script where all calculations are done
A-Chassis Tune → A-Chassis Interface → Drive