What should I add in an Obby

Hi everyone,

Someone suggested that I should create an obby since I learned the basics to scripting and need to practice now.

So far I want to add a platform that fades away and a stage leaderboard. I’d like some more ideas that could help me learn more scripting. Please share some ideas!

Current ideas I have listed down

-fading platform
-moving platform
-timer/restart obby button
-stage leaderboard
-choose the correct door or you die


for the platform that fades away you could lower the transparency when the part is touched and turn cancollide off, then turn it back on after a few seconds

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A skip stage product or a system where you can go back to previous obby stages.


What type of obby are you going to try to make anyways?
A mega fun obby, teamwork obby or some obby where you have to escape monsters or something?

Nothing super complicated like that monsters one. Just a basic obby with maybe moving and fading platforms that u gotta get past to advance on to the next stage.