Currently, I’m working on a system where if a player picks up a tool that is anchored, since it plays a constant looping spinning animation where it floats in midair before being picked up. it unanchores itself and equips it.
Spin script:
while true do
if script.Parent.Parent.Parent:FindFirstChild('Humanoid')==nil and script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Name~="Backpack" then
script.Parent.CFrame = script.Parent.CFrame * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0,0,0.03)
script.Parent.Anchored = false
Currently I have this, which works unless you stop moving in which case itll flop the player to the floor for the single frame the weapon remains anchored.
TLDR; Weapon is anchored to play an animation midair. But because players just flick to a tool & freeze when equipping an anchored tool it becomes tedious to fix this issue.
that’s not exactly how i would go for it, first off unanchor the tool, there’s no need to do unnecessary workarounds to unanchor it everytime a player equips it. how i would go about it, everytime a player get near the tool, you first play the spinning animation, then unanchor the tool and give it to the player.
That is what I do, though for some reason this issue fixed itself after I restarted the game a bit. If it happens again I’ll keep you posted with more details.