Welding a Part to a Player's Torso makes using shiftlock very wonky

I’m welding a Part to the Player’s Torso to make some sort of Money collecting aura (Similar to the Range upgrade in Grass Cutting Incremental) this basically makes it so I can collect money from further away

Collecting the money and all of that works, but when I move around in shiftlock or in first person the character moves slowly?

Its in R6, the “Aura” has collisions turned off and its set to massless so I dont know whats causing this

I didnt make a video cause I dont know how to but as you can see, the Gray Part around the character is the aura I was referring too and you can see that my character wasn’t alligned to the shiftlock direction soo someone please help :pray:


What I mean by the character moves slowly I mean like its not Instantly rotating to where im facing, it takes like a good second before actually rotating and it doesnt move instantly it kind of tweens my orientation I dont rlly know how to explain it

Maybe make the part Massless and set CanCollide off?
Usually that’s the issue when i weld parts to the player.

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I am not really sure how to fix this but I think the Camera is probably is being obstructed because of the part

Way1- You could use magnitude instead of an part aura
Way2- Set the part transparency to 1
Way3- Use weld constraints
Way4- Use an accessory

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He said in the post he already tried them both

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To add onto that you can also just make a particle emitter somewhere on the character to make a aura.

Did you read my post Its not really an aura its kind of a range to collect money from further away

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I tried using a weld, and a weld constraint and the result is the same but okay i will try to use an accessory


Then use magnitude to check if coins are close enough.


I could but wouldn’t that get pretty laggy

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I don’t think so. Well, it depends on how many money things there are. It shouldn’t be too laggy hopefully as using magnitude isn’t like putting parts into workspace. After all it is just some calculations in a script.

Maybe try this?

local Char = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character
local coin = workspace.coin
while true do
local distance = (coin.Position - Char.HumanoidRootPart.Position).Magnitude
if distance < 1 then


yo im tryna use an accessory rn and its the same this is how I got it layed out should I change anything cuz it just ends up being the same

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Well since this is scripting support you should probably show us your script.

I’m just guessing, but are you using Touched events to trigger the coin collection? Is the script lagging because you are registering the hundreds of Touched events that will occur when your player parts keep touching the aura?

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Accessories use handles also magnitude will not lag anything if you run it only when the player moves

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try to use attachaments i think it work beter


Its not laggy and it has nothing to do with the coin collection script, But alright ill will try using handles and attachments and i will update yall

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Solved, this was happening because I was setting all the body parts to Massless for the anticheat, and since the sort of aura was also massless i guess it was messing some stuff up, but I fixed it by giving mass to the body parts.


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