So i want to make a sort of ability button and when you activated the button it will have a 30 seconds cooldown which also displaying the timer and when it run out you can use it again.
Is there a way i could make this?
You could save when the ability was used using tick()
(gives back the time in miliseconds) and then check if it was 30 seconds ago like this:
local lastUsed = tick() -- do this when they use the ability
if lastUsed + 30 <= tick() then -- this checks if the lastUsed was 30 seconds ago
One simple way would be to add a debounce variable, and check if the denounce ended everytime the Player attempts to active the button.
local denounce = false
local button = script.Parent
button.Triggered:Connect(function(Player) -- We’re assuming the script is parented under a ProximityPrompt, feel free to change the Triggered.
if denounce == false then
denounce = true
-- other code here
Includes timer:
local bob = false
if bob = false then
bob = true
for i = 30, 0, -1 do
Button.TextLabel.Text = i.."s"
if i == 0 then
bob = false
Button.TextLabel.Text = "Clickable!"
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