Axis angle not working properly after animation change

I want my character’s arms to rotate seamlessly with the player’s camera, like so:

It worked fine for a while, until I made some changes to the animation. Now the arms rotate slightly off axis, like this:

I dont understand how this is possible.

        local LArmOrigin = LArm:FindFirstChild("OriginalCF")
		local RArmOrigin = RArm:FindFirstChild("OriginalCF")
		if LArmOrigin and RArmOrigin then
			LArm.CFrame = LArmOrigin.Value * CFrame.fromAxisAngle( -Vector3.yAxis, math.rad(Pos.X * .9))
			RArm.CFrame = RArmOrigin.Value * CFrame.fromAxisAngle( Vector3.yAxis, math.rad(Pos.X * .9))

The arms are manipulated as shown above. Only the base CFrame of the bone is affected, not the animated transform. It should be impossible for any animation changes to affect this, but here we are. If anyone could tell me why this might be happening, that would be awesome.

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