How can I Offset Character from Root part?

I am a bit stomped, so I want to position the characters’ parts 2 studs behind the root Part when in first person. I have it so I can see my body parts.

However the problem is that I want to look down and see the front of the body not the center of the torso.

I have already tried offsetting the camera; however, I do not want to be able to see though wall when I do this.

I even tried to to make a invisible part infront of the character to prevent it from see through the wall, this resulted in a bad collision for the character.

So now I am left with the option of trying to offset the character from the root in first person. Currently it is teleporting the whole body when I try this. Do I need to make a duplicate body that also plays the animations the normal body it using? What should I do?


You can offset the camera, but in order to stop the ability to see through walls, you can shoot a raycast in front of the characters head, and setting the camera offset to the raycast result (or like +0.05 the result), if there is one. I’ve done this solution before. You can also try using viewport frames

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