How would I make a consistent bounce/jump pad?

Hi, I recently have been trying to make a bounce pad for my game. But, I ran into a problem. Every method I use to make a bounce pad ends up having a flaw. Using Velocity will make the player always bounce when they touch it but they also won’t always go up the same distance. Using JumpHeight/JumpPower always makes the player go the same height but they end up only not bouncing most of the time. I asked my scripting friend how I could do this and he said that I should use AlignPosition. But I’m not very familiar with it and I don’t know how it works.


Someone else correct me if I’m wrong but I’m pretty sure AlignPosition moves the object with Attachment0 to the object’s position with Attachment1. You can experiment with the MaxForce property which will determine how fast (or smthn like that) it’ll move the part with Attachment0 to the part with Attachment1.

AlignPosition Document
[might be able to explain it better than I did]

You could probably RayCast (or use the Touched event) to detect whether the player is close or the bounce pad. And if they are, you could make an Attachment and set it to Attachment1. Change the properties of the AlignPosition object and that might work (may or may not I’m not sure).

I got it to work, but I have an issue. It looks nothing like a normal player jumping as it almost looks like you were moving the player using the Sine Easing Style. If anyone knows what properties I can use that would be great.

If you haven’t already you could try manually setting the humanoid’s jump state when the character steps on the jump pad.

And to clarify, I do mean setting it with Humanoid:ChangeState(Enum.HumanoidStateType.Jumping) instead of Humanoid.Jump = true

Thank you, I completely forgot that you can change a Humanoid’s state.

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