How do I call player character body part more efficiently?

Is there a way to call a Player Character Body Parts for R15 and R6 instead of making a table for all the body parts like I’m doing?

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What does your script plan to do with the body parts?

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You mean like calling 1 part if yes here is the code

local Char =game.players.localPlayer.Character 

Local LeftArm = Char:FindFirstChild(“Left Arm”) — R6

I plan to use the body parts to change color under certain conditions.

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Hey! I think if you want to change the color of the character, you can juse use the “Body Colors” that every player has in their character when they spawn.

However, if you wish to do it with code, you may use this:

for _, part in pairs(player.Character:GetDescendants()) do
	if part:IsA('BasePart') then
		-- Your code here

Thats exactly what I was trying to look for! Thank you!

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