Is a whisper button even possible anymore?

all mentions of players:whisperchat seem to have been removed from documentation. so now im left wondering if its even still possible to add a whisper button to an ingame bio/profile that would function in the same way as the chat button on “avatar context menu” if it is possible and anyone has any information on how to do this, i would appreciate the help thank you

--Runs in a LocalScript
function whisperLegacyClient(p: Player, message: string)
	local ChatEvents = game.ReplicatedStorage.DefaultChatSystemChatEvents
	local SayMessage: RemoteEvent = ChatEvents.SayMessageRequest
	SayMessage:FireServer("/w "..p.Name.." "..message, "All")

--Runs in a Script
function whisperLegacyServer(p1: Player, p2: Player, message: string)
	local ChatServiceRunner = game.ServerScriptService:WaitForChild("ChatServiceRunner")
	local ChatService = require(ChatServiceRunner:WaitForChild("ChatService"))
	local Speaker = ChatService:GetSpeaker(p1.Name)
	Speaker:SayMessage("/w "..p2.Name.." "..message, "All")

I’ll update this in a bit to add the new chat functions as well.

omg thank you this helped a lot :slight_smile:

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