Part wont destroy after wait

Basically I am creating a block so players can’t return to their original positions for around 2 minutes after their death however i have managed to make everything work but the wait cycle seems to keep breaking. The longest wait i can have is 3 seconds any more and the wait will = nil and nothing after will happen. Take a watch of this video. For context the local script is in StarterCharacterScripts.

So, let me conclude what you would like to achieve:

  • You basically want the Player to respawn only after 2 minutes.

Is that all?

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No, basically the player respawns however the part remains for 2 minutes before getting deleted. However at the moment the part wont delete at 2 minutes but it deletes at 2 seconds.

wait() is depreciated. Try to look at the Documents of task.wait() and replace the wait functions in your Script.


game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(part, 120)

This is an alternative way to delete objects


Thanks so much for your help. This fixed it :slight_smile:

Thanks for your help too really appreciate it.

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