I am wanting to search throughout my entire DataStoreService i.e. the DataStore which holds a bunch of names and details within that name/character. I am wanting to search in the DataStore for all of the characters which have the eye color of Blue, and then print out all of the characters names which have the eye color Blue.
Such as;
local Storage = game:GetService('DataStoreService'):GetDataStore('CADV3_CivilianCharacters')
local data
local success, err = pcall(function()
data = Storage:SetAsync(""..firstname.." "..lastname, {
PlayerID = LocalPlayer.UserId,
PlayerName = LocalPlayer.Name,
FirstName = firstname,
LastName = lastname,
Alias = alias,
Age = age,
DOB = dob,
Gender = gender,
Height = height,
HairColor = haircolor,
EyeColor = eyecolor,
Weight = weight,
SkinTone = skintone,
DMVStatus = dmvstatus,
DriversLicense = driverslicense,
FirearmLicense = firearmlicense,
BusinessLicense = businesslicense
So search “Storage” for those that have EyeColor
set to Blue
and then return all of the keys/characters which have that eye color.