Hey devforum, again, theres a script I have that works in studio but doesnt work in game, even though I’m using the same script a ton,
local dropper = script.Parent
local cashui = game.ReplicatedStorage.CashValueUI
while wait(5) do
local drop = Instance.new("Part")
local newcashui = cashui:Clone()
newcashui.Parent = drop
newcashui.TextLabel.Text = "$"..dropper.DropperPart.ValueSetter.Value
drop.Name = "Drop"
drop.Position = dropper.DropperPart.Position
drop.Size = Vector3.new(1,1,1)
drop.Color = Color3.new(0.290196, 0.227451, 0.0745098)
drop.Material = Enum.Material.CorrodedMetal
drop.Parent = workspace
drop.Anchored = false
local cashvalue = Instance.new("NumberValue")
cashvalue.Value = dropper.DropperPart.ValueSetter.Value
cashvalue.Name = "CashValue"
cashvalue.Parent = drop
I dont think anything is wrong with the script, I think its more so studio, not sure, but if you could help that would be greatly appreciated.