Bool value not changing

Hi all, I’m currently working on a fire generation system, and in the process of generating fires, it needs to change a bool value to enable some other things to happen, however the value isn’t changing, and it appears the script is almost skipping the line that changes it.


local isActive = script.IsActive.Value
-- plus some other stuff that isn't really relevant and would just take upp 
-- more space!!
while true do
	print("checking players")
	firePlayers = #fireTeam:GetPlayers()
	if isActive == false and firePlayers >= requiredFiries then
		print("requirements met")
		isActive = true
        -- some more stuff

Everything is working aside from the boolean changing. This is the parenting used.

I can confirm the rest of the script is running, as the multiple prints are functioning, plus the fires generating, however some other important things also aren’t working due to this bool not changing.
Any ideas?

Edit: This is all server sided.

What changes isActive back to false?
Try print(isActive) to see if it’s actually changing where the script is supposed to change it.

In this case, you have written a value to the variable (local isActive = script.IsActive.Value) and are no longer checking it. Do this:

local isActive = script.IsActive
-- plus some other stuff that isn't really relevant and would just take upp 
-- more space!!
while true do
	print("checking players")
	firePlayers = #fireTeam:GetPlayers()
	if isActive.Value == false and firePlayers >= requiredFiries then
		print("requirements met")
		isActive.Value = true
        -- some more stuff

A separate function changes it back, however said function only runs when isActive and some other criteria are met. As for the print check, it’s coming back as true but instantly switches to false. I can’t find any scripts changing it, as this is the only function that should be changing it’s value

while true do
	if isActive == true then
		timer = timer + 1
		if timer >= timerThreshold then
			script.Parent.IsActive.Value = false
			print("val changed")

timerThreshold is equal to 60, so it should only change after a minute

Yep, this worked, thank you! I guess this should be a lesson to not be lazy in future.

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