Pet movement system/ animations like pet sim x

Hello, which is better to use for moving pets? Can the cframe somehow use physics with vector math or move them with something else? Please tell me how this can be organized, if for example I will use a cframe with the release RayCasting down from the pet. And is it possible to somehow connect the animation to the pet when it walks?


Yes it is! You just need to create a humanoid! There were plugins that id recommend, but I dont know if they exist anymore.

  1. youll need to create the humanoid first
  2. Use this plugin to rig it properly
  3. It need to have a humanoidrootpart and a head to stay alive
  4. You can use built in animator to animate it. Save the animations you make
  5. Replace the animations within the default animation script (you can steal from your own player as it spawns and just past it inside your creature)
  6. as long as you ensure your animation priority is set to movement and replacing the default running/walking animation, it should work

Heres my worm i made a long time ago. Feel free to absolutely copy it and mess with it


Humanoid would take up too many resources for a pet system. Use an AnimationController. And if the Pet is a Rigged Mesh it doesn’t need an HumanoidRootPart


I am changing the position of the pet in every frame using a RunService.Heartbeat. I also attached an infinite animation separately to this pet with a humanoid, and for some reason when the pet with animation and I are in motion that throws him all over the map. And when there is no animation, it goes smoothly, and since a ray comes from it, it rises to the surface.

Have you tried just welding or putting some constraint on the pet model?

I just welded two parts. Humanoid root part and the pet itself

Oh, i wouldve just made it have NO collisions with anything but the world, set it to ALWAYS follow the player with a tick loop. And again, use the default animation script provided by Roblox to handle the animating


I think there is some constraint that only follows the X and Z axis, I forgot the name though. You could use that and then just animate the pet model.

I would recommend that route for the VERY experienced. Given his multiple back-to-back questions, I assumed copying the work of Giants(Roblox) would be an optimal start for them

Okay, I’ll try to do it. Thank you! As it turns out or if I have questions, I will definitely write to you again!

No problem, no problem!

Feel free to completely use that Worm model i provided. It has a script that allows it to wander and go to where a player clicks to. With a bit a tinkering, itd be SUPER easy to change it to always follow the player

Oh, and that rigging plugin is a must for custom models! The performance issues you might get for using Humanoids vs AnimsControllers will be completely negligible and will usually just provide MORE features for your creatures anyways.


I managed to connect the animation to the pet when I walk through the AnimController! Finally!



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