How to know if player is holding a certain tool when they click a part

  1. What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
    Working on a kitchen thing rn, but I need to know something, if the player clicked a part with a click detector, how would I check if the player is holding a specific part, example would be that, the player is putting something in an oven, how would I know if he is holding that pizza?
  2. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!
    No issue, other than being completely clueless.
  3. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?
    My good old friend google.

Players can’t interact with ClickDetectors when equipping a Tool, due to the .Activated event in tools. You’ll have to work around this by either:

  1. Inserting a ProximityPrompt that checks for the tool in the Player’s character.
  2. Make it such that the ClickDetector finds the tool in the Player’s backpack without having the Player equip it.

How would I do #1? Is there a page that you can direct me to?

I can just guide you from here.

To do Method #1, you will need to insert:

  • A ProximityPrompt, which should be parented under a part in the oven.
  • A ServerScript, which you can place parented under the ProximityPrompt.

Server script:

local proximityPrompt = script.Parent

    for i, child in pairs(Player.Character:GetChildren()) do -- We are checking whether the Player has equipped the tool, which would be parented under their character if they did.
      if child:IsA(“Tool”) and child.Name == “” then -- Insert tool name here.
          -- Other code here.
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Thank you, I will test it later and let you know if it works!

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This is very redundant, why a loop?

local proximityPrompt = script.Parent

	if Player.Character:FindFirstChild(ToolNameHere) then

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