Brickcolor wont change for some reason

I’m not sure if I’m doing anything wrong but when I try to change the Brickcolor of an item for example, Red, it only works with (255, 0, 0) and changes to “Really Red” but somehow doesn’t work with (255, 97, 97) and it just goes to white. It’s a really simple script but I need to know what I might be doing wrong.

local function onRedClick(player)
	back1.BrickColor =, 0, 0)


This is because you are using BrickColor which is for colors in form of a word or two. What you’re looking for is back1.Color = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0).

Here’s a breakdown to help you. back1.Color is the proper way to refer when trying to change by using RGB, or any other form besides using labeled colors. Color3.fromRGB, if I remember correctly, means you’re trying to make a color with the three values.


Thank you, but I also found out it’s to be from 0-1 and not 0-255 when using numbers instead of words with

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