How would I detect what block my player clicked on

How would I detect what block that clicked.

The issue is that I cant figure out how they could click it with click detectors. Click detectors wouldn’t work (from what tried) cause there would be same name blocks/undetectable from what I tried.

So you want to detect by using its name or something?
You can use Raycasting for that

If you want to detect what block you clicked use Raycast.

local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")

local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local Mouse = Player:GetMouse()

local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera

	local mouseLocation = UserInputService:GetMouseLocation()
	local mouseRay = Camera:ViewportPointToRay(mouseLocation.X, mouseLocation.Y)
	local Result = workspace:Raycast(mouseRay.Origin, mouseRay.Direction * 100)
	if Result and Result.Instance then

Hope it’s helpful !


I wrote the code exactly like this but i forgot to paste it here ;-;

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