Need audio name from SongID

I need the audio name using the ID. Cause I have an issue with permission but I can’t find the audio. Altough I do have the ID. Does anyone know how can I find the audio name (in explorer) with an ID?

You mean you have the audio in game but don’t know the name?

Yes, I have a lot but I don’t know the name in explorer.

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Replace SOUND_ID with your sound id (with rbxasset at the front) and run the below code from the command bar. If there is a match, it will warn the path name of the sound

for _, v in game:GetDescendants() do
    if v:IsA("Sound") and v.SoundId == "SOUND_ID" then
        warn(`Sound is at {v:GetFullName()}`); break
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How can I do this, from a script?

From the command bar

I did but nothing came up, even in a script.

Can you show the code you are running?

Sure, by any chance do you have dizzy?

Never heard of it. Just send ss or copy paste the code here

It is discord. I can send you a pic.

Ohh sure aight its mystxryxd

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