I currently have a frame in the Plugins folder which is moved when the player gets in the car. How would I detect the exact speed of the vehicle in MPH and then print that value onto a TextLabel text?
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local UNITS = {
units = "MPH" ,
scaling = (10/12) * (60/88) ,
maxSpeed = 230 ,
spInc = 20 ,
units = "KM/H" ,
scaling = (10/12) * 1.09728 ,
maxSpeed = 370 ,
spInc = 40 ,
units = "SPS" ,
scaling = 1 ,
maxSpeed = 400 ,
spInc = 40 ,
while wait() do
SpeedText.Text = math.floor(UNITS[1].scaling*script.Parent.Parent.Values.Velocity.Value.Magnitude) .. " "..UNITS[1].units
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