i’m creating a resizing tool but the BasePart:Resize() function makes it resize in the direction I supplied and also the opposite direction, and I want it to resize on only 1 side
without re-positioning the part
You could increase the size of it in the direction you want i.e. x, y or z, then move the part half the size you increased it by in the direction of the side you want to increase in size. For example, increase the whole part by 5 in the x direction, then move it 2.5 towards the size you want to make bigger so that it seems like it hasn’t moved. I don’t think there’s many other possible ways.
without re-positioning the part
Then no, I don’t think you can.
You can’t do this because the position of a BasePart is determined by the position of it’s centre. By resizing a part in 1 direction, the position of the centre of the part needs to change, so you need to change the position of the part if you want to resize it in 1 direction.
That’s sad on how limited the Roblox engine is
Is there a reason you can’t change the position of the part? You just need to offset the position by half of the amount you resized the part in thesame direction
It’s not really a limitation when you can easily position it by doing what OtterCarbonara said. It’s as easy as
Part.Size = Vector3.new(Part.Size.X, Part.Size.Y, Part.Size.Z + 5)
Part.Position += Vector3.new(0, 0, 2.5)
And whats the problem with repositioning a part?
Im afraid no one can give you a unicorn
basically repositioning a part makes the welds move with it which is a no no
Use Weld Constraints. They don’t break when you move a part.
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