Sound pitch when accelerating doenst work

Hello there,
havent posted in a while, but yeah.

I am making a tank script, and when it accelerates the playback speed changes. But it prints out nothing, even printing “changed” doesnt work.

It always says a error so i made it that the speed is a value,

this is the one for the speed value.

local spd = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Base.Velocity.Magnitude

while true do
	script.Parent.Value = spd

This seems to be working, but this is the localscript under the sound.

local spd = script.Parent.Parent.Speed

	local spddd = tonumber(spdd)
	local spdddd = spddd / 48
	script.Parent.Parent.IDLE_SFX_TANK.PlaybackSpeed = spdddd

btw it doenst matter if it is played or not it still doenst work

These are the locations.

Can someone help, thanks!
Nice day!

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Local scripts can’t run in workspace, are you sure the first script is working?

You can try moving the second localscript into starter player scripts and see if that changes anything.

tried that, doenst work sadly

I’d transition this over to a regular Script.

local basePlayback = 0.6

	local velocity = seat.AssemblyLinearVelocity.Magnitude
	seat.Engine.PlaybackSpeed = (velocity / seat.MaxSpeed) + basePlayback

Taken from some old vehicle code of mine, so I’m not sure how practical the use of RunService is.
You’ll have to change the variables accordingly, and you can also tweak the basePlayback variable to set the base speed the audio will play at.

Thank you, this really helped!

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