How do I get a userid from a modulescript?

I feel like its complicated, I wanna make a blacklist script taking the usersid from a module.

local blacklist = {
	[1] = {
		["Test"] = 131504927,

return blacklist


local Module = require(script.Parent.Module)

local Player = game:GetService("Players")
local Directory = script.Parent

if Player.LocalPlayer.UserId == Module[1] then
	Directory.Alert.Enabled = false
	Directory.Info.Enabled = false
	Directory.MEF.Enabled = false
	Directory.PlayerList.Enabled = false
	Directory.Scoreboard.Enabled = false
	game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.All, false)
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Why dont you just have the blacklist set up as an array?

local Blacklist = {
 11111 -- userid

return Blacklist

Then you can just check if that userID is blacklisted by doing this:

local UserID = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.UserID

if table.find(Blacklist, UserID) then
 -- do whatever

blacklist would redline, what am i missing that should be defined?

That was just an example so that you could set up your own variables but you need to make sure the blacklist module is defined somewhere.

local Blacklist = require(...) -- replace with whatever path you have it under

local UserID = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.UserID

if table.find(Blacklist, UserID) then
 -- do whatever

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