Animation/Rig Issue: LowerTorso Rotates But Does Not Move

I made a rig for the Pinewood Builders Security Team mascot Salty Cadet for a game titled Innovation Inc. Thermal Power Plant that I have been working on as of recently.

I have already made a few animations for this rig, and they look great when previewed in Moon Animator. Only problem is, the LowerTorso doesn’t move like it’s supposed to. It only rotates.

Intended Animation Preview:


In-Game Animation:

The LowerTorso appears to only be rotating. I’ve tried unanchoring the rig and re-inserting the Motor6D. No matter what I do, I can’t seem to fix the issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Isn’t there a setup with rigs where you make one of the Parts the PrimaryPart?
As far as I know it’s the HumanoidRootPart for most animations, but I’m not sure how yours is set up.

The PrimaryPart is set to the HumanoidRootPart, which has a Motor6D attached to the LowerTorso.



I found the issue. The HipHeight property in the Humanoid was set to 0. This caused the LowerTorso to be unable to move.

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