Roblox should have a little more order when talking about performance

everyone here knows that roblox is super optimized but there is a big problem, when making an FPS Shooter game, which must be managed very well the use of resources, roblox does not contribute so much to beginner developers (1>2 years of experience ) and why do I say beginner? Well, for the simple fact that they don’t know about general systems, about how much one thing or another consumes, for example, I have doubts whether to change values ​​in a RenderStepped to replace the If Conditionals, or change values ​​in other parts, but unfortunately there is no a guide made by the same platform that explains how much you consume each thing, so much inconsideration for those who feed you, well I hope someone comes up with the idea of ​​making this easier than investigating yourself and going with your eyes closed
edit: I don’t ask for exact data, what I ask is that they specify more or less the code from the inside, that is, which C++ method they use, to at least have a little orientation of how it works.

the topic talks about roblox not explaining well, roblox gives everything that is obvious, what I mean is that it does not specify so much in the performance, it does not say how much would be the consumption of each thing, they do not even give a related example, someone who really knows about the topic?


what makes me more angry is that no one supports this knowing that it is so important to be successful in roblox studio, no one supports it is like not supporting their future needs.

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Roblox is not super optimized.

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for this reason roblox should provide more information on how its LUAU code works.

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I mean they Have a roblox docs page with everything and what it does. Its pretty good. Roblox docs page . It explains things from Developer products to Datastores . I think they provide more then enough on LUAU code. They also made this platform (Developer forum) in mind of that to ask questions on things with other people. When it comes to roblox development and how they have explained LUAU I think they are doing it to the best of their ability. Often people who develop on roblox, they haven’t done any previous code, but are able to make simple functions work. I don’t know what they could have done more to explain LUAU more to people

LUAu has full documentation already.

it is very obvious, I know how LUAU works but the topic clearly states that roblox should specify how much each thing consumes with details.

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you are right but could you tell me how much a conditional if consumes? if you say that it has the complete documentation then tell me that.

one last question, did you read the topic? the topic talks about roblox not explaining well, roblox gives everything that is obvious, what I mean is that it does not specify so much in the performance, it does not say how much would be the consumption of each thing, they do not even give a related example, someone who really knows about the topic?

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ye i get 50 fps on max graphics even with a rtx 4070 :sob::sob::sob: the graphics aint even that good

Resource consumption is not part of any documentation, including the official Lua documentation. That is a separate category. Additionally, you can use the built in profiler to verify the performance.

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Because I don’t think they can. This platform has many different verision, on phone, console, to computer. Performance is so different on each verision on the platform, that they probably can’t tell you.Rather they still try, and give the developer console and mirco profile to try as much as they can.

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OOOOOOOHHHHH but what a good idea ufff no one has thought of it, you are nikola tesla, it doesn’t say that exactly.

I don’t ask for exact data, what I ask is that they specify more or less the code from the inside, that is, which C++ method they use, to at least have a little orientation of how it works.

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that happens because roblox does not provide at first sight information to the developers about the performance, if alemnos knew with a little more accuracy the use of a conditional if as opposed to the change of a variable, he would be happy and satisfied, the same with the cycles that explain more

no its the roblox engine because it doesnt utilize all my gpu it only uses like 20%

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your case, I’m talking about something very different.