Bad to use 2 datastores?

Basically, im asking a simple question:
Is it bad to use 2 datastores?

I am aware that other people have had the same question on these forums, but none that i’ve seen are what i am talking about.

I already have data saved for players in my game, Its saved to one datastore, it works fine, Problem is that everytime i add a new table ({}) It will erase data for all other tables in that player’s data, which is bad since i dont wanna erase other players’ data. The reason i wanna use 2 datastores is because the data from the new datastore wont mess with old data, Am i doing something wrong? Or is using 2 datastores fine?


You should only really use 1 dataStore for a Specific Purpose, and Another to store other types of Data, Creating Multiple DataStores to hold the same data as before isnt really a good idea, and not a very good use of DataStores.

If anything, you should just make a system to update player data when you decide to make changes, or remove the data from the key entirely using :RemoveAsync()


Sorry if i misunderstood.

I’m not completely sure what you mean, By making changes, i mean for updates, Last time i tried to make an update (and used the same data format on the other datastore) It cleared all players’ data, It really made me confused, I feel like if i make a new system for updating data, It could possibly mess up other things in my game. Also, What do you mean by removing data from the key? what data would i need to remove?

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Nvm, I figured it out.

I Just had to use UpdateAsync() Instead of SetAsync() So it wouldnt clear past data.

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