(REPOST) Setting a max position where hitbox can be placed using mouse

I am trying to make a script where your mouse position determines where the hitbox will be placed. I want the hitbox to be placed regardless, but differently depending on the distance from the player and the mouse. I have it to where if this said distance is lower than the max range, then it will place the hitbox just fine, but I also want the hitbox to be placed if the distance is larger than the max range. The hitbox would still try to follow the mouse’s position, but still inside the max distance. Here is some of my script.

local hrp = player.Character.HumanoidRootPart
	local hitbox = game.ReplicatedStorage.Objects.Galactic.GalacticShowerHitbox:Clone()
	hitbox.Parent = workspace
	local area = 40 -- max distance
	local dist = (pos.Position - hrp.Position).Magnitude -- distance between
	if locked then
		hitbox.CFrame = hrp.CFrame
	elseif not locked then
		if dist <= area then
			hitbox.Position = pos.Position  -- if in the area, place the hitbox on mouse pos
			-- if out of the area, place the hitbox as close to mouse as possible, without going out of area.

Thanks in Advance

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