I’m making a UIListLayout
, but I want the most recent item to be listed at the bottom, and I’ve found that the highest number in a layout will be displayed at the bottom. Using a script, how could I get e.g. i = 1 to equal i = 3 (the highest number possible in the list).
You can make it count down by doing this:
local HighestNumber = 3
local LowestNumber = 1
for i = HighestNumber,LowestNumber,-1 do
Or reverse the output:
local highest = 3
for i = 1, highest do
local reversed = highest-i+1 --+1 because lua is a funny language
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How could I incorporate this in the loop I’m using to create the items?
for i, message in pairs({messageLog[#messageLog], messageLog[#messageLog - 1], messageLog[#messageLog - 2]}) do
createObject("TextLabel", {
BackgroundTransparency = 1,
Parent = logFrame,
Size = UDim2.new(1, 0, 0, 50),
Font = Enum.Font.GothamBold,
TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1),
TextXAlignment = "Left",
TextScaled = true,
Text = message,
TextTransparency = 0,
TextWrapped = true,
ZIndex = 2,
Name = i,
createObject("UIStroke", {
Color = Color3.new(0, 0, 0),
Thickness = 2,
Transparency = 0,
The loop grabs the last three logs and like I said I’m trying to get the most recently added one at the bottom, with the highest number so the UIListLayout puts it at the bottom.
local amount = 3
for i = 1, amount do
local reversed = #messageLog-i+1
local message = messageLog[reversed]
--run create object here
--and do Name = reversed
local amount = 3
for i = #messageLog, #messageLog-amount, -1 do
local message = messageLog[i]
--same with above but Name = i
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Works really well! Just gotta make some tweaks and this will be perfect!
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