R6 standing back up

I’m trying to add a rig that appears once the player dies, and everything is functional except the part where the rig dies.

When the rig spawns and falls over, it stands back up, probably just how characters work. How do I disable that?


If you have any suggestions or solutions, you can comment them down below. Thank you.


Set PlatformStand to true in the Humanoid for the rig.

That didn’t work. They keep on standing up by themselves after a few seconds of being spawned.

Are you setting it using a script?

Yes. It simply clones the rig, teleports it and some other tweaks:

	local ragdoll = workspace.Game.Parts.Ragdoll.RagdollClone:Clone()
	ragdoll.Name = script.Parent.Parent.Name
	ragdoll.Parent = workspace.Game.Parts.Ragdoll.Ragdolls
	for _,limb in pairs(ragdoll:GetChildren()) do if limb:IsA("BasePart") then limb.Anchored = false end end
	ragdoll.Humanoid:TakeDamage(100) --This is to make the rig die.

This is in a tool, by the way. I’m just experimenting with this until the ragdoll spawning works.

I also tried setting the WalkSpeed and JumpPower to 0, but that didnt work either.

Try this

	local ragdoll = workspace.Game.Parts.Ragdoll.RagdollClone:Clone()
	ragdoll.Name = script.Parent.Parent.Name
	ragdoll.Parent = workspace.Game.Parts.Ragdoll.Ragdolls
	for _,limb in pairs(ragdoll:GetChildren()) do if limb:IsA("BasePart") then limb.Anchored = false end end
	ragdoll.Humanoid:TakeDamage(100) --This is to make the rig die.
	ragdoll.Humanoid.PlatformStand = true

The PlatformStand property is already set to true. This doesn’t make a difference.

Should I try continuously setting the property to true in a :GetPropertyChangedSignal() function?

Just try the script anyways.

“Determines whether the Humanoid is currently in the PlatformStanding HumanoidStateType”

Should I set the HumanoidStateType, or disable it using SetStateEnabled()?

Nevermind, the script worked. Sorry for doubting you.



Can I also get a solution as to how to make the rig get pushed forwards so it actually trips and falls, perhaps using LinearBodyVelocity?

You can just change the AssemblyAngularVelocity of the HumanoidRootPart.

	local ragdoll = workspace.Game.Parts.Ragdoll.RagdollClone:Clone()
	ragdoll.Name = script.Parent.Parent.Name
	ragdoll.Parent = workspace.Game.Parts.Ragdoll.Ragdolls
	for _,limb in pairs(ragdoll:GetChildren()) do if limb:IsA("BasePart") then limb.Anchored = false end end
	ragdoll.Humanoid:TakeDamage(100) --This is to make the rig die.
	ragdoll.Humanoid.PlatformStand = true
	ragdoll.HumanoidRootPart.AssemblyAngularVelocity = ragdoll.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.RightVector

EDIT: I was suppose to say AssemblyAngularVelocity instead of AssemblyLinearVelocity.

Thank you, you’ve been such a help to me.

Edit: Do I also multiply the LookVector with a number, corresponding to the push force?

Yes, you can multiply the Vector to increase the strength.

(Btw, check out the updated solution if the Rig isn’t tripping over.)

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