I have a Truck model which has a door model that needs to be welded to the PrimaryPart. I did this with a WeldConstraint and it works normally (when manually setting the CFrame of the truck)
However, I need to tween the truck from point A to B, it wont stay with the door. This is weird because every other part works.
The only difference between this door and the other parts is the Hinge part that should connect the door parts to the hinge and hinge to the root, so the door parts still move with the rest of the truck and it can be affected by the handle part, e.g. opening the door.
local function DriveIn()
local DriveInInfo = TweenInfo.new(5, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, Enum.EasingDirection.Out)
local Goal = {CFrame = TruckParked:GetPivot()}
local Tween = TweenService:Create(Truck.PrimaryPart, DriveInInfo, Goal)
When it is anchored, it doesnt move (as shown in the video)
When is is unanchored, I cant tween the hinge to rotate
There aren’t any C0 / C1 properties with WeldConstraints that I can use and when I try using Motor6Ds it just doesn’t weld at all (anchored or unanchored)