Learing to script

I’ve decided I want to learn to script. After watching a couple of videos, I understand the bare basics such as how to make parts using a script or change their properties. I’m not really sure where to go from this point on. Im sure there are resources/communities that would be beneficial to look into but I’m not sure where to find them. Does anyone have any advice or pointers on where to keep learning?

You should move on AlvinBlox and TheDevKing. You will benefit a TON watching them. TheDevKing has a complete Beginner and Advanced Scripting series, and AlvinBlox has a beginner series. Watch both, apply everything you learn, practice daily and regulary, figure out new things ( it’s okay if you can’t ). After you have a good simple understanding of scripting move on the
Roblox Documentation

Search the thing you want to learn, and start reading, understanding and practicing what you learnt!

! It’s extremely useful for scripting and many programmers read it and learn many things everyday. It’s really really useful and it’ll make you proficient in scripting


Hey i know a really underrated method, trust me its the most helpful thing ever, its here

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You could come up with an idea for a simple game that you think that your abilities can handle. Personally, I would make a game, then in the process if I didn’t know something, I would search google on how to do it, and would typically find a devforum or youtube video covering the topic. If you find something you don’t know how to do and don’t see any previous devforum posts about it, feel free to make a post about it.

There are many community tutorials that can be found here:


Roblox has a lot of documentation for scripting, but starting there can be overwhelming in my opinion. There are plenty of resources on YouTube that I think are helpful. I’ve linked a tutorial series that I used to learn scripting. This is the beginner series but there is an advanced one as well to further your knowledge.

Beginner’s Roblox Scripting Tutorials - The Dev King

There are plenty more videos and creators out there that help people learn to script, so find one that works best for you. I’d recommend watching some videos before jumping in to trying to understand the Roblox documentation. However nowadays, they do have some better education resources: Introduction to Scripting | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

It’s important to remember patience is key. There isn’t really a defined path to learning scripting. You just kinda pick up new skills along the way as you complete project and receive feedback from people here. I still learn new things all the time. Best of luck to you!

Also this topic probably would’ve gone better under the “Development Discussion” category.

You have thrice (or more) options:

  1. You can go back to google to find more tutorials on scripting (On youtube, start at basic level tutorials, like from AlvinBlox, however later on, I would suggest looking at Suphi Kaner or BRicey videos, they teach you specific topics of Luau features that can help you to become more fluent in scripting)

  2. You can create a new game, think of an idea, then try and challenge yourself to complete it with challenge conditions, or you can find an existing script, and experiment with it to find what works and what doesn’t. I think the first script I did this with was a “Shift to Run” script

  3. You can look on Documentation, use the tutorials there, or like me, just look at classes (Engine > Reference > Classes) and read the documentation on them. Documentation has “tutorials” to help you understand things, but sometimes they get complicated

Before moving onto anything advanced, you should learn functions, loops, events, and a few constructors (Vector3, BrickColor)

Out of all of these, Tutorials on youtube have helped me by 40%, while the other two sit at around 30%