Is it really impossible to hide the leaderboard (without disabling it)

I have searched the forums and it seems from what I have found that it is impossible to hide the leaderboard without disabling it (and creating your own custom GUI).

What I want it to do it just toggle the same as if a user on pc presses the TAB button. I just want a script to be able to press the TAB button for them.

You can do this with the chat window, why not with the leaderboard? If anyone knows of a way to do this, please let me know.



Hey, I’ve found a similar topic that was last year which may help you:

The answer you can find on the linked page may not be optimal, but you can give it a try.


Thanks but that is not what I’m wanting to do. I want to show/hide the entire player list / leaderboard with a script. Not trying to hide a particular stat from showing up on the leaderboard.

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Oh okay, you mean pressing Tab for phone/tablet users?

Edit: I got it wrong, I think I know what you mean

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StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled(“PlayerList”, false)


I agree about that, I totally forgot PlayerList existed here

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This doesn’t work, this will disable the PlayerList, I just want to toggle it, as in SHOW/HIDE

Like what the TAB button does.

I wish it did, you had my hopes up for a minute.


you can run the same thing later, but enabling it instead
edit: oh, i think there is a way


That won’t work very well because I want to hide it but I want them to immediately be able to toggle it back on if they want. If I undo the ‘false’ later with a “true” it will toggle the PlayerList back on immediately which is of no use.

You have to use game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.PlayerList,false) or make your own player list.
Since playerlist is presented in core gui and you can’t really control it.

Its not hard to code a playerlist, if you want playerlist ui then go to studio settings and enable show coreui while playing.

After that play the game and click core gui in explorer and find

copy it, stop play testing, then paste it in starter gui, disable playerlist using setCoreenabled.

heres the playerlist ui if u want it
defaultplayerlist.rbxm (19.9 KB)

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Thanks, but I want to keep as much default as possible so when Roblox changes the coregui stuff I won’t have to update it and it just works with mobile and xbox, etc.

I was hoping for something like show/hide chat which you can do with:

game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCore("ChatActive", false)

Maybe some day they will add a similar mechanism for PlayerList.
There should be a PlayerListActive switch.


It’s been quite a few months since I asked this, maybe there is some new way to do it? Anyone know?

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Potential solution (is a hack unfortunately):


Thanks, I was hopeful that this would work for me, but I was able to do the opposite of what I want, but not what I want.

If you disable the ‘playerlist’ in this way, it will hide it, but enabling it defaults to showing it(not just enable it so it can be shown). So I still have no way of hiding it while leaving it enabled. Hmm…


Btw are you able to see the leaderboard gui components when you test your game? Perhaps you could use a script that just sets the relevant frame .Visible to false…

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No, I don’t think you can see coregui stuff, pretty sure its behind the scenes


I would also appreciate this feature. I like default Roblox player list functionality, but the GUI takes up valuable real estate when displayed so would like for it to begin hidden.