How would I make a shared script for all my tools?

I have a game with multiple swords with a script in each of them. But if I wanted to change the script, then I have to annoyingly copy + paste it into the other tools. Is there a way to make it easier, such as a global script or a script injector?

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You could use CollectionService
There is this helpful video explaining how it works


Like sam said, using CollectionService is a good way of approaching what you want.

This is a code example on how you can do it.

-- Handle when a sword is equipped.
	if Child:IsA('Tool') and CollectionService:HasTag(Child, 'Sword') then
		-- Equip logic
			-- Tool activated logic


-- Handle when a sword is unequipped.
	if Child:IsA('Tool') and CollectionService:HasTag(Child, 'Sword') then
		-- Unequip logic

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Should I use a local script or a server script for this?

CollectionService works… But my question is: why?

Not to downplay the other responses here, but you should realistically speaking be using ModuleScripts, that’s quite literally the entire purpose of them: returning code that’s shared by multiple assets. (In your case tools.)

I agree with node, modulescript is more suitable.

How would I do it this way, then?

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