I have realized that Moon Animator and F3X Have a way of detecting if there is a newer version of their model/plugin. How do they do this, and how can I make an update system myself?
They store the version as a variable and save the current version on the Description and then use MarketplaceService:GetProductInfo(id).Description
to match the versions.
local ver_check = pcall(function()
local verCheck = game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):GetProductInfo(id).Description
if verCheck then
local _, checkVer = string.find(verCheck, "!V")
if checkVer then
local theVer = tonumber(string.sub(verCheck, checkVer + 1))
if theVer > _g.ver then
ver_ui.Label.Text = "v"..tostring(_g.ver).." [OUT OF DATE, NEW v"..tostring(theVer).."]"
ver_ui.Visible = true
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