Tool glitch when equipping it on the Left Arm

Hello, again!

Recently, I was working on making a tool go to the player’s left arm, but of course there is a problem, an annoying one.

So, when a player equips the tool, I want the handle to go as instantly as possible to the left arm, but no.

Instead, the tool would kind of glitch out or something… and then go onto the player’s left arm.

(I apologize for the buggy video)

Like I said, I want the tool to go instantly to the left arm, I don’t want it to glitch out or anything while instantly going to the left arm.

Here is the code for the grip:

local tool = script.Parent

local grip = script:WaitForChild("fixGrip")
local setnil = script:WaitForChild("setNil")

local newgrip

local cframeValue =,-0.5,0)
local orientationValue = CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(-90),0,math.rad(90))

	local chr = plr.Character or plr.CharacterAdded:Wait()
	local leftarm = chr:WaitForChild("Left Arm")
	if not leftarm:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Motor6D") then
		newgrip ="Weld", leftarm)
		newgrip.Part0 = leftarm
		newgrip.Part1 = tool:WaitForChild("hand")

		newgrip.C0 *= cframeValue * orientationValue
		newgrip.Name = "LeftGrip"


I don’t really think that there is even a fix for this, but any help is appreciated.

If I’m not mistaken, isn’t there a LeftGripAttachment that you could use in the player’s Left Arm?

Hey, I was afk for a while, so my apologies.

Im not sure… where is this “LeftGripAttachment” located?

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Again, if I’m not mistaken, I thought it was in the Left Arm. Or maybe it’s just for R15.

…Or does Roblox create a RightGrip whenever you equip a tool?

Ohhh, I see it, it is inside of the Left Arm, but it is just an attachment, unfortunately.
Screenshot 2023-08-11 221105

Oh right, Roblox uses welds for tools right?? I don’t remember that well.

Agh, it does.

Yeah welds and motor6ds i think.

Would you like the place file?

Oh, maybe try using RenderStepped to prevent the user from seeing it bug out? I’m not sure how else to do it because I’m assuming Roblox forces a RightGrip.

RunService glitches everything.

I honestly wish roblox made some type of system where you can switch the hands of where the tool is being equipped from, instead of just making it harder for us to handle tools.

You would need to connect it to the left arm on the client first to make it look seamless.

You can do so like this: (LocalScript in StarterCharacterScripts)

	if child.Name == "RightGrip" then -- check if its the tool handle weld
		task.defer(function() -- this is necessary
			child:Destroy() -- remove original weld

			local leftarm = script.Parent:WaitForChild("Left Arm")

			if not leftarm:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Motor6D") then -- rest of your tool connecting logic
				newgrip ="Weld")
				newgrip.Part0 = leftarm
				newgrip.Part1 = tool:WaitForChild("hand")

				newgrip.C0 *= cframeValue * orientationValue
				newgrip.Name = "LeftGrip"

				newgrip.Parent = leftarm

Thank you for posting this man, but I just found a solution.

My solution is that, when the player equips the tool, I will clone the item that is supposed to be in the tool, put the cloned item into the tool, then weld the tool and the left arm together.

I just came up with this solution out of nowhere, and it is now working perfectly and is working as I want it to.

I suppose this can also work with multiple tools as well.

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