Player flings after teleporting to coordinates

I want to teleport player with character:MoveTo() to specific coordinates that always random X, static Y, random Z

  1. The player flings very high no matter what I do

  2. I tried to anchor player, teleport to coordinates above floor, coordinates of floor and coordinates under floor. Player always rockets to the sky

		elseif player:HasTag("Boss") then
			local BSpawn1 = workspace.Game_Mechanics.CurrentMap.BSpawn1
			local BSpawn2 = workspace.Game_Mechanics.CurrentMap.BSpawn2
			character:MoveTo(Spawns.Random(BSpawn1.Position.X, BSpawn1.Position.Z, 10, BSpawn2.Position.X, BSpawn2.Position.Z))
			character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame *= CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(180), 0)

This part of code that runs then player is loaded.

local Spawns = {}

function Spawns.Random(X1, Z1, Y, X2, Z2)
	local answer =, X2), Y, math.random(Z2, Z1))
	return answer

return Spawns

Module that I use in spawn code above (Spawn.Random)
Is this an engine problem or I just don’t understand something?


Try setting the players root velocity to zero for a set amount of time while also anchoring it. That could possibly help.


Can you provide a video please, I tried to replicate this but it didn’t fling me!


Sorry, can’t provide now, will be able later, in some hours. But player is teleported from higher position than the end coordinates.

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Try using :PivotTo(CFrame) instead of doing :MoveTo(Vector3)

So try replacing this code:

character:MoveTo(Spawns.Random(BSpawn1.Position.X, BSpawn1.Position.Z, 10, BSpawn2.Position.X, BSpawn2.Position.Z))
character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame *= CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(180), 0)

With this:

character:PivotTo(, BSpawn1.Position.Z, 10, BSpawn2.Position.X, BSpawn2.Position.Z)) * CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(180), 0))

(Idk if that’s the issue but it may be)


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