Can someone help me to make script about robot become car like transformers

i wanna make transformer game like war of cybertron, but i only 3D designer so I can’t make a script that can turn the robot into a vehicle by pressing the f key, i hope you guys can help me thank you

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For this part, you would want to use the UserInputService in a local script, to see if they click the “F” key (or use ContextActionService for mobile support and this can be hooked with a key on the keyboard)

The developer forum is not for making system for you. If you would like to have someone to make you a system like this, there is people on the talent hub

Now, if you have a script and having troubles with errors or its not working as intended, or don’t know where to start, thats where we can offer roblox doc pages/Code, however your topic is lacking info, which could be helpful for that.

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