Hmm… I don’t think you can (dont take my word on that im no pro scripter, however i tried nil, ... it only occurs errors) but the default TweenInfo is;
EasingStyle: Quad
EasingDirection: Out
RepeatCount: 0
Reverses: false
DelayTime: 0
The best way to approach this would to be to create a base function which would inherit the same features as the function, but remove a variable:
local function TweenInfo2(Length, EasingDirection): TweenInfo
return, Enum.EasingStyle.(style), EasingDirection)
But worse comes to worst, just add the parameter just in case.
Whoops, It was actually setting the value to 0 that did that, but anyway.
local t =
t.Time = 2
t.EasingDirection = Enum.EasingDirection.In
Here TweenInfo will have specific set values, you just modify them after creating the TweenInfo, 0, y, z)
Set your Data on the TweenInfo while ingoring the one you want want using 0 which will set it as Linear for EasingStyle, however for the boolean, you cant use a number.
Setting the EasingStyle/EasingDirection to 0 actually sets it to the corresponding enum that has the value 0. For EasingStyle, this is Linear, and for EasingDirection, this is In.