Ragdoll script absolutely broken and not working

I have this new problem occurring where this ragdoll script isn’t working anymore for some reason. This is a server script inside StarterCharacterScripts which I use mostly for R6 games. It used to work before, but now it doesn’t do anything and also doesn’t output any errors either.

Here is the code for it:

local char = script.Parent
local hum = char:WaitForChild("Humanoid")

hum.BreakJointsOnDeath = false
	for i, j in pairs(char:GetDescendants()) do
		if j:IsA("Motor6D") then
			local socket = Instance.new("BallSocketConstraint")
			local a0 = Instance.new("Attachment")
			local a1 = Instance.new("Attachment")
			a0.Parent = j.Part0
			a1.Parent = j.Part1
			socket.Parent = j.Parent
			socket.Attachment0 = a0
			socket.Attachment1 = a1
			a0.CFrame = j.C0
			a1.CFrame = j.C1
			socket.LimitsEnabled = true
			socket.TwistLimitsEnabled = true
			hum.AutoRotate = false

I’m assuming this might be due to some new update by Roblox itself. Really appreciated if someone would be able help fix this issue.


Do you mean like the character’s not gonna fall or something? Or do you mean that he’s not gonna move at all.

I tried this script and it seems like the character isn’t tripping or falling, I only see the head turn up.


The character does fall and move… The problem is all the joints are separating and breaking like it’s the default roblox death.

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Oh. I tried the script and the character’s joints isn’t separating.

Is he ok

I had fun with this. I did this to a not-dead character.

… The script works for you then?

Have you updated your Roblox Studio?

I’m running on version 0.585.5890596 (the lastest as of 13.08.23)

What version does yours run?

Nah it doesn’t ask me to update anything currently.

try using Humanoid.PlatformStand = true

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What does PlatformStand do? Just askin’

disables character physics and puts the character in a motionless state

So should I activate it while the guy is dead?

below this line add it if that doesnt work add it above this line

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Tried it and results are the same.

In the loop and out of the loop.
With and without.

OP is saying that his script doesn’t work at all, but mine works.

just tested it and it works for me too, he needs to check his place, he probably has another script controlling it, also i thought you were asking the question lol

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I just realised it works if you don’t reset or use admin kill command…

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I made the character ragdoll by resetting it :sweat_smile:.

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