I am currently working on a Tag system for my game. I have been working on it for a week but I’m super confused and upset that its not working. None of my code worked so I got rid of it and I’m trying to think of new ideas. I had a part appear when you clicked the mouse button and if that part touched a player then I had a isTagged value go to one. But when the player got touched nothing happened and I had no errors.
Does anyone have a less complicated idea/easier idea on how I can tag the player in my tag game?
I am using it on the Client but I have a remote event that fires on the server to make the value go to one. I’m not trying to use my own system anymore I’m trying to find new ideas on how to make a tag system.
Maybe do it all on the server. I would suggest creating a table with every player, and their tag status, if they’re tagged, when they touch someone else, it just changes the status.