Rotate a motor 6d along one axis towards a target

I have an npc and I want its head to rotate to face the player, however, I only want its Y axis to change. The code I have works fine when have it face the npcs position, but as soon as I try to isolate it to only the Y it stops working. Obviously I’m not doing something correctly here. Is what I want even feasible?

local resetPart0 = (NPC.Neck.HeadHolder.Part0.CFrame *,NPC.Neck.Size.Y/2,0)):Inverse()
					local desiredPart1CFrame =,NPC.Neck.Size.Y/2,0)),,Aggro.HumanoidRootPart.Position.Y,Aggro.HumanoidRootPart.Position.X+10))

					NPC.Neck.HeadHolder.C0 = resetPart0 * desiredPart1CFrame

nevermind. I clearly lack the ability to think.

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