so i got a folder, theres a part called !A!, now i want to know which part in the same folder is closest to A
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please give us more context, If you want to get the closest part to A
in a folder, you can just do a simple for loop and comparison
local closestPart, closestDist = nil, math.huge
for _, part in folderParts do
if part == A then continue end -- skip the iteration if part is A
local dist = (part.Position-A.Position).Magnitude
if dist < closestDist then
closestPart = part; closestDist = dist end -- record the closest part and distance
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local folder = script.Parent --your folder path
local A = folder:WaitForChild("!A!") --your !A! path
local function diff(p1: BasePart, p2: BasePart): number
return (p1.Position-p2.Position).Magnitude
--My function doesn't cache the closest distance in favor of readability
--I consider the cost too little to care for it unless you're testing many parts
--And if you test many parts then you may want to consider a spherecast instead
local function findClosest(p: BasePart, group: {BasePart}): BasePart?
local closest = nil
for _, part in pairs(group) do
if part == p then continue end
if not closest or diff(p, part) < diff(p, closest) then
closest = part
return closest
--Change :GetChildren() to :GetDescendants() if you want it to be recursive
--Basically :GetDescendants() makes it look for parts inside parts as well
local closest = findClosest(A, folder:GetChildren())
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