Performance impact of constant 290 bone updates?


I have some performance questions in the case when updating 290 bones constantly.

Does anybody know if there is much impact when moving 290 bones constantly?

Does the MeshPart collision data get constantly updated? If so, how would I disable collision data updating.

If I were to, for example, set 100 bones in Group1, 100 bones in Group2 and 90 bones in Group3 and make is to that each group of bones would move/update at different times, would that somewhat improve performance or would the performance be the same if I was updating every bone on every 0.1 second?

Group of Bones Updates On Every Amount Of Bones
Group 1 0.1 s 100
Group 2 0.5 s 100
Group 3 1.2 s 90
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i have a minimap with 2000 bones that are constantly being moved in 4 different objects, i still get 60 fps but it’s pretty borderline. i’d say you shouldn’t have more than 3k bone updates per frame


Thanks for the reply,

Well it seems that then 290 bones won’t make much of a difference to the overall performance. Would you say that 3K bone updates per frame would be acceptable for mobile too or is that recommendation for PC only?

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pc only for 3k bones for sure, 290 isn’t really a lot and could probably be handled on both. then again i was also using multiple noise values for each bone there so it could be more