How do I apply text strokes with TextChatService?

Is there any way to do apply text strokes BESIDES using the rich text <stroke> tag?
My issue with it is that it doesn’t fade out with the text if TextTransparency is set.
Resulting in this mess when the chat fully fades out!

Please do note that every player has a “character” applied to them and the stroke color will depend on the said character (therefore, I need a method that allows me to set different text stroke colors to different players).


An alternative option is using the stroke properties of TextLabels.


This requires individual tweening of both properties (in one tween).

The third way involves a UIStroke with Contextual stroke mode and disabled RichText. Requires a separate tween for fading out.

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It would be far easier if that was actually possible with TextChatService.
However, the UI is within CoreGui, which I cannot edit. Therefore, neither of the fixes will work.