Something that helped me a lot is starting with computercraft, a minecraft mod that allows you to write lua programs on virtual computers. It’s a lot simpler imo because you deal with actual lua, not luau, which is the altered version of lua roblox uses. Roblox also uses a lot of services, which computercraft minimizes (computercraft really only has I/O (input/output) APIs). I just used CC:Tweaked to sort of automate bases i built and make some systems like a nuclear football and modular nuclear missile silo using HBM’s Nuclear Tech Mod. I also feel like CC:Tweaked helped me get used to systems like HTTP requests and just actual coding environments, which is ideal when you want to make the switch to JS or python.
Here’s the website for CC:Tweaked:
Here’s the website for computercraft’s documentation:
When I went into Roblox scripting, I started with personal projects and just trying to make cool stuff like a rappel system or just doors or stuff that just interested me that I wanted to challenge myself to make. Then, I asked my friend for studio access to see how scripts in his game worked, even if most of them were just free models. At this point, I couldn’t make scripts like the ones in the game myself but I could fix them if they broke.
Then, I met some other devs and wanted to make a mall game with them. I made a building system but it didn’t work out because the owner had paranoia or bipolar disorder or something and just fired devs for the most trivial things.
After that, I looked for work as a dev but didn’t ask for pay, I just wanted experience in an actual development studio and I got that in a restaurant game, which was pretty good actually but I had too much on my schedule.
I quit that and then I found an SCP project that I’m a dev for now. This project has helped me see how OOP (object oriented programming) really helps in big games, especially with things like doors or weapons. Lua isn’t that great for OOP, mainly because it wasn’t made for it, so there’s some complications sometimes. But generally, it’s much better for a big project.
I didn’t really look at a bunch of tutorials when I first started. What I did and still do now is just try to conceptualize what I’m gonna do and then try to find a way to do it (mainly by googling stuff like “how to move a part roblox”). I’ve found out this is how most programmers do it. Always remember: a programmer’s best skill is googling efficiently. And if you can’t find the answer on google, I’ve found the people here on devforum are really nice and will help you out when they can.
However, if you really are just starting out, learn the basics of lua first and then learn how roblox’s variation of lua works (systems, explorer structure, etc). After that, you’ll be fine.